Best Yoga Studio in Colombo, Sri Lanka


Astanka Yoga Mandir has offered classes in Colombo since 1992.  As a new yogi, I researched all yoga studios in Colombo to see where I could find the best experience. Several yoga studios in Colombo provide an upscale experience with European teachers and elegant facilities, which defeats the purpose of experiencing yoga in Sri Lanka in my opinion (at least for a foreigner who wants to experience local culture). Astanka seemed the most authentic experience as it features qualified teachers and is affiliated with the Indian Cultural Center.

Astanka Yoga Mandir is a professional yoga studio. This is one of the reasons why I chose to take classes at this particular place over the others. When I called the studio, the director promptly answered my questions and sent me the class schedule through email. I also found this studio to offer some of the most affordable rates for yoga classes. For example, a month of 8 yoga classes is around Rs. 4000 (USD 27), which is a good deal compared to the rates of other studios. Other yoga studios only offer half the amount of classes for the same price.The energy and health benefits you get from the class are definitely worth the money at Astanka Yoga Mandir.

They offer 7 different types of yoga classes including sukshma, therapy, chakra, sthree, Vajra, astanka vinyasa, and children’s yoga. They also offer academic yoga training, clinical services, and counseling among other services. I currently take chakra yoga classes two times a week, and it has been a positive experience. I take the classes in the mornings during a weekday so there are several other students but it is not too crowded. It has been two months so far, and I feel way more energetic than I ever have before because of my yoga experience. If you are looking for a yoga class in Colombo, try Astanka Yoga Mandir first.

Classes are located at No. 3 Ridgeway Place, Colombo 4 (opposite St. Peter’s College). Visit for more information.

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